Saturday, November 30, 2019

Personal Essay on Changing Schools Essay Example

Personal Essay on Changing Schools Essay When I found out I was changing schools I felt like my whole world was going to end. I did not want to leave my old school and my friends. My dad received a job opportunity and was transferred to another state so my family and I did not have a choice but to go. So much anxiety built up inside as I realized that I had to make new friends at a new school. Also, being aware that I had to retake a class because some of my credits did not transfer. When I did began my first week of school my whole life changed for the better. On the first day of school I cruised into class thinking to myself, â€Å"I can most likely make this new school thing work.† The first desk I saw was open so I sat in it. The teacher called me to the front of the class. I was really nervous as the palm of my hands became sweaty as I walked to the front of the class. She politely stated, â€Å"Class we have new student. Her name is Sarahlyn Argrow.† I went back to my desk with a smile on my face. When t he bell rang I went to my next class which was economics. Economics was one of the classes I had to retake because it didn’t transfer over from my other high school. I met my best friend till this day Leya Ferguson in my economic class. As I am sitting in the front of the class a girl came and sat in the desk right next to me. â€Å"Hey what is your name? Are you new here?† she questioned. â€Å"Hi my name is Sarahlyn Argrow and yes I am new here.† I delightedly replied. We continued the conversation. We both were able to get to know each other very well. We started going to the movies, mall, and just hanging out. We got along well. We even tried out for the cheerleading team together; an experience I will never forget! We both made the team and have been the close of friends ever since. Making new friends wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be. Making the cheerleading team came with a lot of great things. The team was very nice and they welcomed me onto the team with open arms. I became captain and so did my friend Leya. Coming onto the cheerleading I thought it was going to be hard to find my place on a new team. I was used to being around with the girls at my old school. However, the transition was very easy and I became comfortable very quickly. When I changed to a new school my perspective changed on the situation. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Essay on Changing Schools specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Essay on Changing Schools specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Essay on Changing Schools specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer I made a great best friend that is still my best friend. I made the cheerleading team and made more amazing friends. I had to retake a class but exceeded in it so it was not bad at all. Thinking back on it, if I had not changed schools I do not know how my life would be like. I realized that sometime good things come out of change and a lot good things came out of my situation. From my experience through this journey I learned that when something changes it can be for the better and not always for the worse. So I am thankful till this day.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Definition and Examples of Exigence in Rhetoric

Definition and Examples of Exigence in Rhetoric In rhetoric, exigence is an issue, problem, or situation that causes or prompts someone to write or speak. The term exigence comes from the Latin word for demand. It was popularized in rhetorical studies by Lloyd Bitzer in The Rhetorical Situation (Philosophy and Rhetoric, 1968). In every rhetorical situation, said Bitzer, there will be at least one controlling exigence which functions as the organizing principle: it specifies the audience to be addressed and the change to be affected. In other words, says Cheryl Glenn, a rhetorical  exigence is a problem that can be resolved or changed by discourse (or language)... All successful rhetoric (whether verbal or visual) is an authentic response to an exigence, a real reason to send a message. (The Harbrace Guide to Writing, 2009) Other Considerations Exigence is not the only component of a rhetorical situation. The rhetor also must consider the audience being addressed and constraints that would present obstacles.   Commentary Exigence has to do with what prompts the author to write in the first place, a sense of urgency, a problem that requires attention right now, a need that must be met, a concept that must be understood before the audience can move to a next step. (M. Jimmie Killingsworth, Appeals in Modern Rhetoric. Southern Illinois University Press, 2005)An exigence may be something as direct and intense as a power outage, which might prompt an official to persuade everyone to stay calm or to assist those in need. An exigence may be more subtle or complex, like the discovery of a new virus, which might prompt medical officials to persuade the public how to change its behavior. Exigence is part of a situation. It is the critical component that makes people ask the hard questions: What is it? What caused it? What good is it? What are we going to do? What happened? What is going to happen? (John Mauk and John Metz Inventing Arguments, 4th ed. Cengage, 2016) Rhetorical and Nonrhetorical Exigences An exigence, [Lloyd] Bitzer (1968) asserted, is an imperfection marked by urgency; it is a defect, an obstacle, something waiting to be done, a thing which is other than it should be (p. 6). In other words, an exigence is a pressing problem in the world, something to which people must attend. The exigence functions as the ongoing principle of a situation; the situation develops around its controlling exigence (p. 7). But not every problem is a rhetorical exigence, Bitzer explained. An exigence which cannot be modified is not rhetorical; thus, whatever comes about of necessity and cannot be changed- death, winter, and some natural disasters, for instance- are exigences to be sure, but they are nonrhetorical. . . . An exigence is rhetorical when it is capable of positive modification and when positive modification requires discourse or can be assisted by discourse. (emphasis added) (John Mauk and John Metz Inventing Arguments, 4th ed. Cengage, 2016)Racism is an example of the first typ e of exigence, one where discourse is required to remove the problem... As an example of the second type- an exigence that can be modified by the assistance of rhetorical discourse- Bitzer offered the case of air pollution. (James Jasinski, Sourcebook on Rhetoric. Sage, 2001) A brief example may help to illustrate the difference between an exigence and a rhetorical exigence. A hurricane is an example of a non-rhetorical exigence. Regardless of how hard we try, no amount of rhetoric or human effort can prevent or alter the path of a hurricane (at least with todays technology). However, the aftermath of a hurricane pushes us in the direction of a rhetorical exigence. We would be dealing with a rhetorical exigence if we were trying to determine how best to respond to people who had lost their homes in a hurricane. The situation can be addressed with rhetoric and can be resolved through human action. (Stephen M. Croucher, Understanding Communication Theory: A Beginners Guide, Routledge, 2015) As a Form of Social Knowledge Exigence must be located in the social world, neither in a private perception nor in material circumstance. It cannot be broken into two components without destroying it as a rhetorical and social phenomenon. Exigence is a form of social knowledge- a mutual construing of objects, events, interest, and purposes that not only links them but makes them what they are: an objectified social need. This is quite different from [Lloyd] Bitzers characterization of exigence as a defect (1968) or a danger (1980). Conversely, although exigence provides the rhetor with a sense of rhetorical purpose, it is clearly not the same as the rhetors intention, for that can be ill-formed, dissembling, or at odds with what the situation conventionally supports. The exigence provides the rhetor with a socially recognizable way to make his or her intentions known. It provides an occasion, and thus a form, for making public our private versions of things. (Carolyn R. Miller, Genre as Social Action, 1984. Rpt. in Genre In the New Rhetoric, ed. by Freedman, Aviva, and Medway, Peter. Taylor Francis, 1994) Vatzs Social Constructionist Approach [Richard E.] Vatz (1973)... challenged Bitzers concept of the rhetorical situation, maintaining that an exigence is socially constructed and that rhetoric itself generates an exigence or rhetorical situation (The Myth of the Rhetorical Situation.) Quoting from Chaim Perelman, Vatz argued that when rhetors or persuaders choose particular issues or events to write about, they create presence or salience (Perelmans terms)- in essence, it is the choice to focus on the situation that creates the exigence. Thus a president who chooses to focus on health care or military action, according to Vatz, has constructed the exigence toward which the rhetoric is addressed. (Irene Clark, Multiple Majors, One Writing Class.  Linked Courses for General Education and Integrative Learning, ed. by  Soven, Margot, et al., Stylus, 2013)

Friday, November 22, 2019

Auditory Attention Essay Example for Free

Auditory Attention Essay The ability to localize sound sources is of considerable importance to both humans and animals; it will determine the direction of objects to seek or to avoid as well as indicating the appropriate direction to direct visual attention. The precision of sound localization is remarkable, particularly for brief sounds or for those occurring in noisy or reverberant surroundings. While the most reliable cues used in the localization of sounds depend upon a comparison of the signals reaching the two ears, there are also phenomena of auditory space perception which result from monoaural processing of the signals. Localization refers to judgments of the direction and distance of a sound source. Like when headphones are worn, the sound image is located inside the head. Headphones allow precise control of interaural differences and eliminate effects related to room echoes. Using two ears we are able to selectively attend to sounds coming from a particular direction while effectively excluding other sounds. This ability is particularly important in noisy surroundings or when there are several sound sources competing for our attention. Our acuity in locating sounds is greatest in the horizontal dimension, fairly good in the vertical direction and least good in the depth dimension. Aside from this ability we are also able to judge the direction of a sound source and to some extent estimates its distance. Many everyday experiences indicate that auditory localization can be influenced by conflicting visual cues. At a cinema for example, the loudspeakers are usually placed behind the screen or in its center yet the sound still appears to come from the actor’s mouth as he moves about the screen. Similarly, the loudspeaker in a television set is located to one side of the screen but the sound does not appear to be detached from the visual image. Thus, it might be possible that exposure to conflicting auditory and visual cues for a period of time may lead to an after-effect in which the localization of sounds is systematically displaced. This may occur during experiments wherein sound may be generates from one area but a cue may say otherwise and given the effects of practice and priming, experiment results into auditory localization may not be valid. Early findings on the study of orienting pure auditory attention have yielded no significant change in performance. Posner (1980) did not find any advantage in the use of auditory pre- cueing of auditory targets. Others have failed to find a benefit for the detection of sounds coming from expected vs. unexpected locations (Scharf, Quigley, Aoki, Peachey and Reeves, 1987). Buchtel and Butter (1988) found that informative auditory cues provided a benefit in the detection of visual targets; however they failed to find a benefit from cues on auditory targets. Klein, Brennan and Gilani (1987) also found no benefit in the detection of auditory targets with the use of uninformative cues using both visual and auditory cues. However, the use of auditory and visual cues together on tasks has been promising. Previous researches on multisensory instruments have found that it can optimize performance rather than using one sensory modality. Recently Duncan, Martens and Ward (1997) found evidence of restricted attentional capacity within but not between sensory modalities. They presented streams of visual and or auditory inputs containing occasional targets to be identified and recalled, for two visual or two auditory streams they found that the identification of one target produced a sustained reduction in the ability to identify a second target. In contrast, when the streams were from both modalities, there was no such reduction in the identification of the second target. The results suggest a modality-specific restriction to concurrent attention and awareness. The results of this study have important implications for the design of complex human machine interface systems. Systems should be designed to take advantage of the spatial presentation of information to the human operator to enhance the detection rate of critical information (i. e. ; warnings). This findings support Rhodes (1987) earlier work on auditory attention where he reported that auditory attention has spatial constraints. He found that time linearly increased to localize a sound as a function of distance from the point of attention; he further proposed that even for sounds, localization is shifted through logical and topographical representations. Information presented in locations where spatial attention has been allocated has both faster and more accurate response in both visual and auditory modalities (Posner, 1980, Ward, 2000, Spence & driver, 1996, 1997a, 1997b). Moreover, even if there is a limited human attentional capacity the nature of spatial attention across modalities suggests that if one modality is overloaded the attentional capacity of other modalities are not adversely affected (Duncan, Martens & Ward, 1997). Thus, the best way to maximize this modality-specific restriction is to present information using both the visual and auditory modalities. Flanagan, McAnally, Martin, Meehan & Oldfield (1998) found evidence of the usefulness of using both modalities. In their study, they reported that visual search times were reduced when spatially informative auditory information was supplied. They used a spatial localization task in which the search for a visual target was aided by either a visual arrow or an auditory cue. They found both the visual and the auditory cues aided in significantly reducing the search times when compared to unaided search. It is however important that the visual and auditory information presented are detectable and localizable. Hence a signal should be localizable when information presented is critical (i. e. ; location of threats such as enemy fighters, missiles etc. ) and that information presented is expected in that location will improve response time and accuracy (Posner, 1980, Spence and Driver, 1996). Auditory Attention. (2017, May 20).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Online Education Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Online Education - Research Paper Example From this research it is clear that the Internet and intranet hold enormous potential for the rapid dissemination of knowledge and information to a worldwide workforce when utilized correctly. However, online-based education comes with its merits and demerits. Online education comes to extensibility, accessibility and suitability. It means that users can proceed through a training program at their pace and place too. Considering they do not need to be in class at a given time of the day, students can access online training at anytime. Additionally, they can receive as much training as they want since the internet is rich in information. By not physically being available in class, the students will save time and costs of travelling to class every day. It will also give convenience to students since they attend classes in their own time.This paper discusses that online education provides collaborative and explanatory environment. It enables students to explore more with other students, through online forums, like Course Info's Discussion panel and talk, give communal areas to rely information. Additionally, online education is cheaper. It cuts on transport cost where the learner is required to travel to attend classes, the cost of buying teaching materials such as textbooks, chalkboards and acquisition of the physical learning environment. Some of the cost used in meeting requirements for online education may not exist in traditional education.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Coursework Management Accounting Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Coursework Management Accounting - Case Study Example s a break from factors not normally captured in the financial statements.The cash budget is a valuable instrument that can be used by the different offices in the company, and perhaps, it may have a bearing on the success of SPECTRA. Below is a design of a balance scorecard detailing the objectives, measures, targets and initiatives that can assist these officers in the company; Human Resources Director, Operations Director, Marketing Director, Financial Director, and Chief Executive Officer. A good balanced scorecard, typically, properly define the objectives of a company, more, the balance score should provide directions on cash balances of a company, profitability, market share amongst other important data. Secondly, the balance scorecard, based on stated objectives, should provide the measures that are in place to ensure the achievement of the stated objectives. Finally, initiatives should also be incorporated to ensure that the objectives are achieved. the scorecard designed for SPECTRA is important as it helps the firm in monitoring progress and evaluating performance. For instance, a reduction of the level of industrial action from 35% to 10 % can immensely aid the company in reducing the variable overhead costs,, which goes along the way in improving the image of the company and the profitability level. Certain pitfalls can affect implementation of the balanced scorecard, but not design of the scorecard. Niven (2006 301-302) identifies ten potential pitfalls which resonate with the case study. For instance, if SPECTRA lacks of business strategy, a lack of guiding rationale for the balanced scorecard program, lack of consistency in the management practices. In addition, the lack of proper team development and a premature linking of the scorecard to management processes can potentially lead to a pitfall. The assumptions in designing the scorecard were three and they included the following. First, the objectives in the scorecard are complimentary as one

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Dark Chocolate Essay Example for Free

Dark Chocolate Essay Chemistry Central Journal brings even more good news for chocolate lovers, stating that dark chocolate contains more flavanols and polyphenols than fruit juice. Cacao seeds are a Super Fruit providing nutritive value beyond that of their macronutrient composition, said Dr Debra Miller. Chocolate and Blood Pressure The important thing is that the antioxidants in dark chocolate can significantly reduce blood pressure in patients with hypertension. According to researchers from the University of Adelaide, flavanols promote vasodilation, which may consequently lower blood pressure. There have, however, been conflicting results as to the real-life effects of eating chocolate. Weve found that consumption can significantly, albeit modestly, reduce blood pressure for people with high blood pressure but not for people with normal blood pressure. added Dr Karin Ried, who is program manager and research fellow of the PHCRED (Primary Health Care Research Evaluation Development) program at The University of Adelaide. The analysis concluded that the pressure reduction caused by chocolate consumption was comparable to the effects of 30 minutes of daily physical activity. Chocolate and Cirrhosis There are also potential benefits for liver disease patients. Spanish scientists found that eating dark chocolate lowers blood pressure in the liver and reduces damage to the blood vessels of patients with cirrhosis. A study which was presented at the International Liver Congress 2010 divided 21 cirrhotic patients with end stage liver disease into two groups. The first group received liquid meal containing dark chocolate, while the participants in the second group were getting liquid meal with white chocolate devoid of anti-oxidant properties. As a result, the patients receiving dark chocolate experienced a noticeable reduction of post-prandial increase in blood pressure in the liver. one Square Is Enough However, it is not necessary to eat huge quantities of chocolate in order to experience all the health benefits. In fact, just one small square a day may be enough to experience the health benefits chocolate is offering. A study performed in Germany that compared 19 357 individuals found that those who ate the most amount of chocolate (an average of 7.5 grams a day) were at a 39% lower risk of developing a heart attack than people with the lowest (1.7 grams) chocolate intakes. To put things into perspective, the six grams of difference are the equivalent of one small square of a typical 100g chocolate bar. Our hypothesis was that because chocolate appears to have a pronounced effect on blood pressure, therefore chocolate consumption would lower the risk of strokes and heart attacks, explains Dr Brian Buijsse from the German Institute of Human Nutrition, who led the research. Small amounts of chocolate may help to prevent heart disease, but only if it replaces other energy-dense food, such as snacks, in order to keep body weight stable.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

An Overview of Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome The human genome is a remarkable system composed of over 3 billion DNA base pairs that encode for the characteristics that makes people distinctly human and unique themselves. Without the genome’s nearly flawless ability to self-replicate the human species would cease to exist. As incredible as this replication methodology is, it is not without its faults. Genetic mutations, though rare and typically harmless, can strike at any time and in various ways. Still, when they do cause harm the effects can be profound and impossible to ignore. Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS) is an instance where the mutation of just one nucleotide has devastating results. The Mayo Clinic defines progeria as a progressive genetic disorder that causes children to age rapidly, beginning in their first two years of life. This study defines the disease of progeria by outlining symptoms and identifying causes that lead to its diagnosis. In addition, treatment methods and extensive research tha t give those affected by the disease hope for a brighter future are highlighted. It is noteworthy to mention that there are numerous diseases associated with rapid ageing and progeria like symptoms. Cockayne, Lison, Werner’s, and Wiedemann-Rautenstrauch Syndromes are amongst these diseases. The shortened term progeria can be used to address any of these disorders but is most often specifically associated with HGPS. This distinct disease was named after Jonathan Hutchinson and Hastings Gilford who each independently described it in 1886 and 1897 respectively. Thankfully, this alarming syndrome is so rare that it only affects about 1 in every 4 million children born. Progeria is onset by a complicated series... ...ties are still exciting to speculate over. In closing, as overwhelming as the complications brought about from progeria may seem it is important to keep things in perspective. Research has gone a long way to improve the livelihood of those affected by this awful disability and in the process opened several new doors. While these fresh discoveries raise a plethora of new questions, it is essential to pursue the betterment of life for everyone. After all, HGPS is but one of many disorders set off by a slight and uncontrollable mutation. Fortunately, organizations such as the Progeria Research Foundation are working hard to raise awareness of the disease and unlock its true cure. In time all of this strife will bring a rich reward of enlightenment and new possibilities for the genes of every living being as the mesmerizing depths of the genome are abundantly explored.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Requirements for Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HTLA) Essay

The role of the HLTA is to support learning for all children. Historically Teaching Assistants were none teaching adults who helped qualified teachers carry out day to day preparatory and administrative tasks and provide pastoral care to children (Calyton 1993). In 1998 the Local Government Chronicle published a summary of a Green Paper (LGC 1998) which outlined that a greater number of better trained teaching assistants would be more effective. In order to support learning for all children all support staff need to have a good understanding of how children learn. HLTA’s do not take the role of teacher but needs to have knowledge and understanding of how to work with individual and groups of children or in classes. Training is required to understand the responsibilities that are complex and the level of autonomy they have compared to other classroom support staff. The HLTA will have to take responsibility for tasks that are detailed and specific under the teacher of head teach er that is being assisted. Every HTLA will have different training and development needs as each will have existing skills, knowledge and experience they will need to be able to demonstrate competence in management skills to work and guide other support staff, in line with the schools and head teacher’s requirements. Understanding the curriculum a HTLA will contribute to the creation of education plans and timetables for children. Working in a pastoral capacity the HTLA will need to be able to contribute to healthy and beneficial relationships between parents/carers and the school.The training requirements for the HLTA include the understanding of the HLTA standards and qualifications. Numeracy and Literacy skills are essential in order to maintain the National Occupational Standards (NOS) STL6 Support Literacy and Numeracy activities, as a minimum understanding to NVQ level 2 in English and Math. Training should include development of skills and training in learning strategies in order to be able to ad apt to specific learning needs of individuals and groups. To adequately support teachers and children the HLTA should develop skills and training in curriculum development and delivery. The HLTA should have knowledge and competence in the use of ICT and have the ability to demonstrate the use of basic ICT programmes, use of electronic communication, social media and accessing the internet. The HLTAÂ  will develop knowledge and understanding of Policies, procedures, regulations and laws specially relevant to education, working with young people and schools. The HLTA should be able to identify personal development goals and targets as well as have the skills, knowledge and experience to assess other individuals. Within the role of HLTA the development and maintenance of relationships at all levels is key to the enabling children and young people to develop to the maximum of their individual ability, encouraging them to higher aspirations and achievements. The HLTA will need know and understand the mandatory policies, practices, activities that promote inclusion as well as a working knowledge of the requirements of health, hygiene and safety in a school environment. What are the National Occupational Standards (NOS)? What Purpose do they serve? The National Occupational Standards were developed in conjunction with school leaders to give clear guidance and standards to describe the support staff role within the classroom and school. The standards set out what Teaching Assistants who are working at a higher level need to know and what they are able to do. Some of the elements of the NOS are applicable to other industries and commercial roles, these elements primarily involve development of staff identifying development needs and improving staff performance for business benefit. The clarity of the standards provides structure for a wide range of training and development, without being prescriptive. Schools can access a range of options to meet their specific needs and standards within their school curriculum and staffing capacity and capability. The key benefits of the NOS are that they are transparent and provide clarity that enables schools to manage the recruitment, development and progression of support staff. There are 69 elements within the 33 NOS standards which assessed through demonstration These are broken down into:- Professional values and practice (standards 1-7) Encouraging children and young adults to have high expectations to achieve their full potential in school and adult life. Building relationships based on respect and trust with children, young people, colleagues, parents and carers. Personal development of knowledge Professional knowledge and understanding (standards 8-16) Within this section HLTA’s must demonstrate through practice that ehy Understand diversity and key factors that affect children and young people’s learning and progress They have sufficient understanding of their area(s) of expertise to develop learning They have a level 2 qualification or above English and Mathematics Know how to use ICT to support their professional activities Understand the curriculum , statutory and non statutory frameworks and can relate it to age range and abilities. Understand content, objectives and intended outcomes for specific learning activities. Know how to support learners accessing the curriculum in accordance with Special Educational Needs (SEN) code of practice and disabilities legislation Know how other frameworks, that support the development and wellbeing of children and young people impact on their practice. Professional Skills working under the direction and supervision of an assigned teacher and in accordance with arrangements mad e by the head teacher of the school. Planning and expectations (standards 17 – 21) Use of their area of expertise contribute the the planning and preparation of learning activies and plan their role in learning activities Plan and devise clearly structured activities that interest, motivate and advance learning as well as supporting inclusion of children and young people in their learning activities Contribute to the selection and preparation of resources suitable for learning Monitoring and assessment (standards 22-26) Monitor learners ‘ responses and progress and modify approaches and provide focused feedback Support the evaluation of learners’ progress using a range of assessments techniques Contribute to maintaining and analysing records of learners’ progress Teaching and Learning activities (standards 26 – 33) Recognise and respond appropriately to situations that challenge equality of opportunity and use effective strategies to promote positive behaviours’. Use ICT skills to advance learning Advance learning when working with individuals, small groups and classes without the presence of the assigned teacher Organise and manage learning activities in ways which keep learners safe Direct the work where relevant, of other adults in supporting learning. How do Higher Level Teaching Assistants support children in school? The HLTA role is to assist the teaching staff to support the learning of individuals and groups. They work with greater autonomy than other classroom support but do not replace the role of the teacher. Helping manage and provide guidance to other support staff in their responsibilities and duties. The HLTA will only undertake support activities with agreement and guidance from the teacher or head teacher being assisted, contributing to the development and delivery of education plans and timetables for children. The HLTA will use their experience and knowledge to identify opportunities for improvement in the performance of learners by setting goals and targets for learning and behaviours. The HLTA will monitor and maintain records of learning as well as school records which will include personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998. HLTA’s have a more one to one relationship with children assisting with learning through a more sustained interaction, the HLTA will have a roving role as well as a specific allocated individual or group support for learning. HLTA’s have a more generalist approach to learning and offer support to teaching through specialist help e.g. technology skills, counselling, careers advice providing a positive impact on pupil behaviour, discipline and improving social skills. References Research Brief DCSF-RB0287 – ISBN 978 1 84775 111 9 Deployment and Impact of Support Staff in Schools Peter Blatchford, Paul Bassett, Penelope Brown, Claire Martin, Anthony Russell and Robert Webster with Selma Babayigit and Naomi Haywood, Institute of Education, University of London Department of Education, National College for Teaching and Leadership, HLTA programme: Professional Standards TDA, National Occupation Standards booklet, updated October 2010

Saturday, November 9, 2019

A Thematic Analysis in Support of the Theory That Early Relationships Affect Adult Attachment Essay

This study was a qualitative thematic analysis to see if there was any evidence in early relationships that then affects the adult attachment theory. The qualitative textual analysis was carried out on a pre-existing, edited, filmed semi-structured interview. The thematic analysis showed that there is some truth in the adult attachment theory but life experiences and circumstances also have an effect on the individual. Furthermore relationships can play an important part in our lives with some evidence showing that Bowlby’s theory has some validity, (as cited in Cooper and Roth 2007, p37). Introduction A thematic analysis is historically a practice in qualitative research, which involves searching through data to identify patterns and themes. A theme is linked to categories, conveying similar meanings. This popular technique can be enhanced by the analyst lacking previous knowledge of the research topic, so they are not guided by any preconceptions. Furthermore, the analyst does not have to be an expert in the research topic. However, in order to begin analysis a researcher must have at least some understanding to guide the insightful processes. There is no simple distinction between qualitative and quantitative methods. Since analysts move back and forth between new concepts and the data, all research involves processes of induction and deduction, especially thematic analysis whereby induction creates themes and deduction verifies them. Thematic analysis is also part of everyday life and in order to maintain a sense of the world, we constantly arrange incoming information, into th emes with the use of our existing experiences. (as cited in Cooper and Roth 2007, p21). A central issue in developmental psychology is whether our experiences during childhood in some way shape the patterns of our later adult relationships. John Bowlby, who was a key figure, in the development of the attachment theory, began his work on this theory in the 1940’s,.Children have a drive to feel secure by forming an emotional bond with a primary giver (as cited in Cooper and Roth 2007, p28). Meaning that Bowlby’s idea, was that children develop, secure attachments, which are important in later life. Furthermore, Bowlby drew the ideas of critical and sensitive periods in development, believing that the establishment of a healthy internal working model is essential for future relationships, social behaviour and mental health, (as cited in Cooper and Roth 2007, p28). Charles Darwin, was one of the first major influences on development and suggests that changes occur in people and their behaviour because they serve a new and adaptive function, with the idea that the attachment theory is functional because the bound between carer and child needs to be strong so the child becomes socially confident, ( as cited in Cooper and Roth, 2007, p51). Moreover, Mary Ainsworth spent many years working with Bowlby at a clinic in London, where she built upon his ideas. She mainly researched the effects of maternal deprivation. The results from this research led Bowldy to believe that he had found the main reason for juvenile delinquency, with the lack or non-existent mothering. 1954 Ainsworth went to Africa and moved the attachment theory forward through her observations of 28 mothers and the off spring in Uganda. Having kept in touch with Bowlby she reported that she had identified three different types of attachment, with an experiment called â€Å" the strange situation† which was carried out in an observation laboratory with video cameras recording the behaviour of mothers and their infants showing a sequence of separations and reunions involving a child the mother and a stranger. The first type attachment, type A, (insecure,, anxious avoidant), where the attachment has a troubled attachment to the caregiver. Often turning away, from the caregiver, after being reunited, after a separation. Type B, (secure), where the image of the caregiver is seen as a secure base showing pleasure at the reunion, with lastly Type C,(insecure, anxious, ambivalent), where the attachment is likely to show distress suggesting that the caregivers presence is important ( as cited in Cooper and Roth, 2007, p31). Judith Rich Harris (1999) In the Nurture Assumption argues that parents do not actually influence their children, which have been assumed, but that it is peer groups that are a major influence in how children grow up. However there have been many theories that suggests that vertical relationships during childhood also have an equally significant impact on how we develop, (as cited in Cooper and Roth, 2007, p31). There is some support for parts of the theory, now seeing that infant attachment is related to adult attachment in certain conditions, (as cited in Cooper and Roth, 2007, p35). Furthermore relationships can play an important part in our lives with some evidence showing that Bowlby’s theory has some validity. Life events though are also deemed to be important, as found in another study (Hamilton, 1994) with the results showing that children where their family circumstances were stable became secure and the ones that had experienced major changes in their family circumstances became insecure, (as cited in Cooper and Roth, 2007, p34). Therefore this thematic analysis will review.(Exploring Psychology DVD), and support of Bowlby’s idea that early relationships affect adult attachment Method The researcher, a psychology student at The Open University analysed existing material (semi structured interview) comprising of a DVD and transcript supplied by the Open University, with each line numbered in sequential order from the beginning to the end (appendix 1). The method was selected because it enabled the researcher to explore reality from the participant’s interview. The participant (Chloe a 50 year old academic who is currently retraining to be a therapist, was married and divorced in her twenties and she and her current partner plan to marry this year. She has no children) was provided by The Open University, which gained consent from the participant to use the interview material for the purpose of the research. The participant was properly briefed and debriefed and offered the right to withdraw from the research at any time with the research either sent back to the participant or destroyed. The participant was interviewed by a lady psychologist of a similar age, in the participant’s home. With one successful interview and a telephone call explaining what the research was about and the focus being early relationships and how they kind of shaped us and how they shape relationships with people once we are adults. Compression, labelling and narrative structuring techniques were used in a thematic analysis of the interview with Chloe- referring to the DVD and transcript. Giving three themes that I identified the first being Caring, the 2nd being disappointment and lastly insecure. Analysis In reviewing the transcript, while also taking into the account of the question, in support of Bowlby’s idea that early relationships affect adult attachment? Three themes were identified that can also relate to the above question. Caring/ parenting, disappointment, and insecure.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Theory Building Essay Essays

Theory Building Essay Essays Theory Building Essay Essay Theory Building Essay Essay Some of the theories used to explicate different facets of organisational direction include Maslow’s Hierarchical Theory of Needs and Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory. Harmonizing to Maslow’s theory physiological demands supervene psychological demands. Maslow’s theory provinces that certain demands which are congenital internal motives influence the determinations made by persons ( Landy A ; Conte. 2006. p. 335 ) . His theory allowed for the environment to play a important function in motivated behaviour by proposing that one time a set of demands are satisfied by environmental forces. the following higher demands are activated in an person. As opposed to Maslow’s theory. Freud places accent on the function of an individual’s head [ specifically his unconscious head ] in the finding of an individual’s motive. Within Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory. an individual’s unconscious desires find his motives. Both theories can be used to explicate the motives behind individual’s actions and determinations within the field of concern. How do propositions and hypotheses differ? Harmonizing to Zikmund ( 1988 ) a proposition is â€Å"a statement concerned with the relationship among constructs. It is an averment of a cosmopolitan connexion between events that have certain properties† ( p. 44 ) . As opposed to this. a hypothesis is â€Å"an unproved proposition or guess that tentatively explains certain facts or phenomena. It is a proposition that is through empirical observation testable† ( Zikmund. 1988. p. 45 ) . The chief difference between the two may be traced to the investigatory usage of a hypothesis as the hypothesis is used to look into and prove a claim. It is of import to observe that the hypothesis itself is a proposition ; the difference of a hypothesis from other propositions simply lies in its usage to verify or distort a claim. Given this context one might thereby province that although a hypothesis is a proposition non all propositions are hypotheses. How make constructs differ from variables? Harmonizing to Zikmund ( 1988 ) a construct refers to a â€Å"generalized thought about a category of objects. properties. happenings. or procedure that have been given a name† ( p. 41 ) . As opposed to this. a variable is â€Å"a construct whose value changes from instance to case† ( Macionis A ; Plummer. 2005. p. 51 ) . See for illustration the construct ‘price’ wherein ‘price’ refers to the value of an object. Within the context of the section shop. the ‘price’ of different objects differ from each other due to the differences of the factors used in finding the value of an object. In add-on to this although some constructs may match to a set of empirical steps. non all constructs do as opposed to variables that may match to two or more values. Remark on this statement: â€Å"There is nil every bit practical as a good theory. † A theory refers to a â€Å"coherent set of general propositions used to explicate the evident relationships among certain ascertained phenomena† ( Zikmund. 1988. p. 41 ) . Theories are of import as they provide a model for the analysis of a peculiar event. A theory may thereby supply an person with the necessary premises that may follow the ground for the happening of a peculiar event. In a sense. one might province that it provides an person with the causal account on how an event Q was caused by an event P. It is necessary nevertheless that the theory used for the account is a good theory. A good theory here refers to a theory whose â€Å"empirical content is less than or equal to the ‘logical content’† ( Boland. 1989. p. 56 ) . Such is the feature of a good theory since it ensures that the theory is through empirical observation verifiable and therefore testable. Given this context. there is nil every bit practical as a good theory since it ensures that one’s accounts for the happening of a peculiar event is continuously verifiable and hence testable and thereby easy proven to be valid easy. The 17th-century Dutch philosopher Benedict Spinoza said. â€Å"If the facts conflict with a theory. either the theory must be changed or the facts. † Harmonizing to Spinoza. when facts conflict with a theory there is a necessity to either alter the theory or alter the facts in order to guarantee the theory’s cogency. A theory is either formulated through the usage of inductive logical thinking or deductive logical thinking. Deductive concluding refers to â€Å"the logical procedure of deducing a decision about a specific case based on a known general premiss or something known to be true† ( Zikmund. 1988. p. 46 ) . Inductive logical thinking. on the other manus. refers to the â€Å"the logical procedure of set uping a general proposition on the footing of observation of peculiar facts† ( Zikmund. 1988. p. 47 ) . In the instance of a theory formulated utilizing a deductive statement. there is a demand to measure the cogency of propositions [ facts ] in order to guarantee the cogency and soundness of the statement. In the instance of inductive statements. the alteration or add-on of a proposition [ facts ] alterations the decision thereby taking to the alteration of the theory itself. Find another definition of theory. How is the definition you found similar to this book’s definition? How is it different? Kerlinger ( 1979 ) defines a theory as â€Å"a set of interconnected concepts ( variables ) . definitions. and propositions that presents a systematic position of phenomenon by stipulating dealingss among variables. with the intent of explicating natural phenomena† ( qtd in Creswell. 2002. p. 120 ) . As opposed to this Zikmund ( 1988 ) defines a theory as a â€Å"coherent set of general propositions used to explicate the evident relationships among certain ascertained phenomena† ( p. 41 ) . As can be seen above. both definitions note that a theory is composed of more abstract constituents in the signifier of propositions wherein each proposition is interrelated in such a manner that when combined together they formulate one coherent and systematic worldview. The difference of Kerlinger’s definition nevertheless may be traced to his add-on of what a theory is seeking to explicate that being ‘natural phenomena’ . Hence. Zikmund’s definition may be seen as showing a wide definition of a theory whereas Kerlinger narrows his definition by saying what a theory refers to. Mentions Boland. L. ( 1989 ) . The Methodology of Economic Model Building: Methodology After Samuelson. London: Routledge. Creswell. J. ( 2002 ) . Research Design: Qualitative. Quantitative. and Assorted Method Approaches. London: Sage. Landy. F. A ; J. Conte. ( 2006 ) . Work in the twenty-first Century: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology. London: Routledge. Macionis. J. A ; K. Plummer. ( 2005 ) . Sociology: A Global Introduction. Neptunium: Pearson. Zikmund. W. ( 1988 ) . Business Research Methods. California: University of California Press.

Monday, November 4, 2019

On Merck Corporation and Social Responsibility Essay

On Merck Corporation and Social Responsibility - Essay Example People today can notice that global responsibility is becoming more and more promoted. Everywhere, we see forms of encouragement on sensitivity to issues like environmental and ethical issues. In the past two decades, the business world has also adapted this movement in the form of the corporate social responsibility awareness. As Solomon (2004) says people can no longer accept the unethical idea that "business is business". This belief Solomon adds, was no longer excusable and just a pretext to be "socially irresponsible and personally insensitive". With this concept, businesses are to function in a responsible manner and by that make an effort in putting the business's stakeholders in consideration when company goals are dealt with. One such company is the Merck Corporation. In a time where businesses normally went for profit, Merck Corporation changed its direction to make a difference.It was in the late 1970's when researchers of Merck Corporation first had an indication that Ive nnectin (antiparasitic compound for animals) might have the ability to cure the disease called river blindness. River blindness was a disease that was predominant in third world countries like Africa and in some parts of Latin America and the Middle East. Clearly, the profit of such medicine for river blindness was already questionable. Dr. Vagelos, who was then Merck executive head for the research laboratories, was faced with the decision of approving further research that would cost a lot of money. Nevertheless, further research was done because of its potential to cure and not on its potential to profit. A considerable amount of money was already spent in developing the animal medicine ivermectin and developing another one fit for human consumption was premeditated to cost less than developing a new medicine. And so, Merck Corporation was able to produce a cure and named it Mectizan. When government agencies of the third world countries were unable to purchase the medicine for their people, Merck Corporation headed by Dr. Vagelos, who was then CEO of Merck Company, agreed to give Mectizan to countries that badly needed it for free. Through the years, it has become to be known as the MECTIZAN Donation Program, a fusion of partnerships between private and public agencies to aid developing countries in their fight against river blindness. We see a commendable company that takes risks for the betterment of those who they know badly need it. As one of the top pharmaceuticals company in the world, Merck Corporation is expected to profit from the drugs produced in their laboratories and not to give them away for free. On a HolmesReport (2002) article, Dr. Vargelos was quoted in saying that "many companies do not realize the benefits in better employee morale and favorable press coverage that comes from doing good deeds." It is a boost in the morale for people who work under a business that gives help for many people. Like Merck Company, who have always invested a lot of money in research, this move has no doubt fueled the minds of their researchers who are given freedom to explore possible cures to diseases that are known to have no cure. Especially since, those diseases that have no cures are dominant in poor countries. Every time the company is given an award or praise, the pride and prestige also goes down to the company employees especially the researchers who developed the much needed medicine. For any worker, the drive to succeed and work properly is much more invigorated with the knowledge that you are working in a way to help others. A good image also aids in the problems of human resources because applicants are more than willing to apply for an admirable company in comparison to typical companies. A lot of younger generations today say that they would prefer to work because it is worthwhil e and not just for the compensation. Many applicants mean a wider choice of candidates where the suited employee will be chosen from. Not only does good morale and good image

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Case Studies Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Studies - Case Study Example Nick Leason is opportunistic because he used his position in the bank to cover up his mistakes. He was also a dishonest employee. Instead of reporting the loss caused by other employees, he covered the loss in order to protect the employees and maintain the bank’s good reputation in the bank. Leadership styles had effects on Baring Brother’s leadership tea. Leissez-Fare leadership, which involved lack of supervision on employees led to the failure of the executive team. They could not make effective decision in time. The other leadership style that influenced the action of executive team includes autocratic leadership style. Leeson as the general manager made decisions without involving other management team members. The bank’s problem would be detected in time by the executive team if the bank leaders had made collective decision. Situation leadership affected the banks situation in various ways. Leaders of the organization employed less qualified staff in order to increase the profitability of the bank by paying them less money. This led to the bank’s loss. In addition, Leeson situational leadership style involved covering the loss in order to meet needs of investors and employees in the bank. This worsened the bank’s